Names starting with the letter S

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter S, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a S. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Sukhjeet One who remains in peace
mars Sukhjeev A person who has a very peaceful nature
mars Sukhjinder He who gives and spreads happiness
mars Sukhjit A victory of happiness and peace
mars Sukhjiwan To lead a happy life
mars Sukhjodh One who is a Lord of happiness and a warrior of peace
mars Sukhjot The light that the peace gives
venus Sukhleen One who is absorbed in God's love and joy
venus Sukhmani She who is a peace bringer
mars Sukhmeet A friend who brings peace
venus Sukhminder A peacuful place for prayers, a templom of peace
mars Sukhnam The bliss that the naam brings
venus Sukhon Pleasant scent
mars Sukhpal To achieve victory
venus Sukhpreet A person who highly values inner peace and joy
mars Sukhrab Kazakh and Kyrgyz form of Sohrab.
mars Sukhraj One who is of very peaceful temper
venus Sukhrajpreet She who is the Queen of love and peace
mars Sukhram The peace prevades in him
mars Sukhroop He who is a true embodiment of peace
mars Sukhshant A man who is blissful and peaceful
mars Sukhsharan He who finds peace by finding shelter in God
mars Sukhveer He is a soldier of peace
mars Sukhvinder A person who gives happiness to others
mars Sukhwant Full of happiness, pleasant
mars Sukhwinder One who brings the destiny
venus Suki Beloved
venus Sukie Lily
venus Suk-Ja From Sino-Korean 淑 (suk) meaning "good, pure, virtuous, charming" and 子 (ja) meaning "child". Other hanja characters can form this name as well. Korean feminine names ending with the character 子 (a fashionable name suffix in Japan, read as -ko in Japanese) declined in popularity after 1945 when Korea was liberated from Japanese rule.
venus Sukori Aid or help
venus Sukrajan An individual of peaceful nature
mars Sukrant Extremely beautiful
mars Sukri Turkish form of Shukri.
mars Sukrit Wise
venus Sukriti Good conduct
venus Sukriye Turkish form of Shukriyya.
mars Sukru Grateful
venus Sukruta Fortune
venus Sukruti Fortune
venus Suksha A girl with enchanting, beautiful eyes
venus Suksma Fine
mars Sukumar Tender
mars Sukumara Very tender, very delicate
mars Sukumaran A variation of the name sukumaran
venus Sukushi A woman with gorgeous eyes
venus Sukutai Hug
venus Suky lily
venus Sula peace; little she-bear
mars Sulabh Easy to get
venus Sulabha Simple, easily available
venus Sulafa A name that means wine choicest
venus Sulafah A choicest wine
venus Sulaima A flawless girl who is safe and sound
mars Sulaimaan A name of a great Prophet
mars Sulaiman Peace
mars Sulaimon Form of Solomon
mars Sulakhan He who is veru virtuous
venus Sulaksha A very lucky one
venus Sulakshana One with good signs
venus Sulakshmi Goddess Laxmi's name
mars Sulalit Graceful
venus Sulamit Woman of great luck and fortune
venus Sulamita Perfect, Complete
venus Sulamith peace
venus Sulata A creeper plant, a vine
mars Sulaym A man who is safe, sound and unhurt
mars Sulayman A prophet's name, solomon
mars Sulayt One with a dominant and strong personality
venus Sulbha A natural, easy-going and lovable person
mars Sule Flame
venus Suleela Playful one
venus Suleika A variant of Zuleika. It was the name of wife of the king of Egypt.
mars Suleiman Peaceable
mars Suleimen Kazakh form of Süleyman.
mars Sulejman Variant of Solomon, meaning peace.
mars Sulek Sun
venus Sulekha A good handwriting
venus Sulema Peace
mars Suleman One who is secure, safe
mars Suletu To Fly, Circle Around
venus Suleyma A safe person
mars Suleyman He who is man of pece
mars Sulio A charming and graceful man.
mars Sulislav Earlier form of Sulisław.
mars Sulisław Derived from Slavic sulěi meaning "better" or "promise" combined with slava meaning "glory".
mars Suljo Peace
mars Sullavan Little dark eyes
mars Sullen One who is bad tempered or sulky.
mars Sullevan Little dark eyes
mars Sullivan Dark-eyed
venus-mars Sully From The South Field
venus Sulma One who is like the sting of charmness
mars Sulo He of grace and charm
mars Suloch Beautiful eyes
mars Sulochan One with beautiful eyes
venus Sulochana One with beautiful eyes
mars Sulochna Beautiful eyes
mars Sultaan The who is ruler and king of people
venus Sultaana She who is a ruler, a Queen of men
mars Sultan King
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