Names starting with the letter S

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter S, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a S. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Sultana Ruler
venus Sultanah A woman who rules people, a Qeen, a female Sultan
mars Sulton Tajik and Uzbek form of Sultan.
mars Sulung First or eldest.
venus Sulwa Things and people who bring happiness
venus-mars Sulwen Bright as the sun
venus Sulwyn Sun Blessed, Fair
venus Suma Flower
venus Sumabala Flower-like
mars Sumadhur Very sweet
venus Sumaira A woman who is brownish
venus Sumaiya Proper name
venus Sumaiyah A Prophet's companion
venus Sumalee Flower
venus Sumamah A name of the plant millet
venus Suman Flower
venus Sumana Flower
mars Sumangal Very auspicious
venus Sumangala The one who makes everything good. Also the name of Rishabhdev's wife.
venus Sumangli A very and truely auspicious woman
mars Sumanjit One who wins the God's power
mars Sumant Friendly
mars Sumantra Means "following good advice", from the Sanskrit prefix सु (su) meaning "good" combined with मन्त्र (mantra) meaning "instrument of thought, prayer, advice".
mars Sumantu Atharva veda was assigned to him
mars Sumanyu Heaven
venus Sumara A woman who enternains
mars Sumarliði Summer-farer
mars Sumat One who is wise and has a big intellect
mars Sumate Intelligent man
mars Sumathi A person of good mind
venus Sumati Intelligent
mars Sumatikumar Sumatikumar is a variation of Sumatinath. Sumatinath is the name of 5th Tirthankara.
mars Sumatinath Lord of wisdom
venus Sumavali One who is like a garland
mars Sumay Wise
venus Sumaya Exalted
venus Sumayah Of Unknown Meaning
venus Sumayra She is like a little fruit
venus Sumayya A unique and special girl
venus Sumayyah Sumayyah is a spelling variation of the name Sumaya. It means 'high above'.
venus Sumbal A delicate and frail woman
venus Sumbul Frail, or delicate
venus Sume Unknown
mars Sumed Wise
mars Sumedh Clever
venus Sumedha She is a very smart and wise woman
mars Sumeer He is the Lord of all wisom
mars Sumeet Good assessment
venus Sumehra A beautiful face
venus Sumeja Bosnian form of Sumayya.
mars Sumer Gold mountain, born in the summer month.
mars Sumernor He is the one who summons people
mars Sumertun One who comes from the summer estate
mars Sumeru Lord shiva
mars Sumesh He is the flower Lord
venus Sumeyye She who is high above others
venus Sumi clear, refined
venus Sumia She is the one who is always there to listen
mars Sumiati One who has positive thoughts
venus Sumiko Clear
venus Sumiran He who does things in teh remembrance of God
venus Sumire A lovely violet
mars Sumit Well measured
venus Sumita Good friend
mars Sumitr Good friend
venus Sumitra Good Friend
mars Sumitranandan Son of sumitra (lackshman and shatrughna)
venus Sumiya A woman of beauty
venus Sumiye Pure, Longevity, Beautiful, Blessed
venus Suml She is an early distinguisher
venus Sumlina A woman who is frail and very delicate
mars Summah She who looks and smells like a beautiful flower
venus Summaiyya She is a pure woman
mars Summan A man with a good mind
mars Summanus Means "before the morning", derived from Latin sub "under, before" and mane "morning". Summanus was the Roman god of the night sky and night lightning, a nocturnal counterpart to Jupiter.
venus Summaya She who is special and unique
venus Summer summer season
venus Summerr She who is like a summer
venus Summers Mule Or Horse Driver
mars Summerset One who comes from the summer settlement
mars Summir One who is on the top
mars Summit He is on the top of things
venus Summiya She is a woman of proper name
mars Summor He is born in summer
venus Summyr A person of the summer
mars Sumner Summoner
mars Sumon Alternate transcription of Bengali সুমন (see Suman).
venus Sumona A baby girl born in the summertime
mars Sumood A man of great composure, determination and perserverance
venus Sumra She who is like a summer fruit
venus Sumrah A woman who is like a heaven
mars Sumukh Lord Ganesha
venus Sumukhi A beautiful, stunning girl
mars Sun Goodness
venus Suna Duck
venus Sunaina A girl with beautiful eyes
venus Sunako The sand child or the dark side
mars Sunam Good name, fame
mars Sunan Word of goodness
mars Sunand Pleasant
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