Names starting with the letter S

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter S, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a S. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Sunanda Good woman
mars Sunandan Happy
venus Sunandini Happy
venus Sunandita Happy
mars Sunar Happy
mars Sunashi Lord indra
venus Sunat A woman who has a way with things, one with good methods
mars Sunay Wise
venus Sunayana A beautiful eyed woman
venus Sunayani A woman with lovely eyes
venus Sunayna A girl with gorgeous eyes
venus Sunbool A Muslim name meaning a spike of grain
venus Sunbul A very delicate frail woman
venus Sunbula A corn's ear
venus Suncana Sun or sunny
mars Sunchit Beautiful
venus Suncica Derived from Serbo-Croatian sunce meaning "sun".
venus Sunda A man of very tender nature
mars Sundance Dance in the sun
mars Sundar Beautiful
mars Sundara Beautiful
mars Sundaram Beautiful
mars Sundaran Beautiful
venus Sundari Beautiful
mars Sundarjeet One who posesses great beauty
mars Sundarveer He who is brave and beautiful at the same time
venus Sundas She has the Dress of Heaven
venus Sunday Born On Sunday
venus Sundeep Sundip
mars Sunder Beautiful
mars Sunderlin From Sunderland, Durham, UK
venus-mars Sundown Dusk, Sunset
mars Sundri Old Norse form of Sondre.
venus Sundus He who is like the fine silk brocade
venus Sune Modern form of Suni.
venus Sunee Good Thing
mars Suneel Dark blue or sapphire
mars Suneet Lord shiva, righteous
venus Suneeti Mother of dhruva
venus Suneha Friendly
venus Sunel lily, rose
mars Sunesh Good
venus Sunetra One with beautiful eyes
venus Sunflower Bright flower
mars Sung Victorious
mars Sung-Ho Alternate transcription of Korean Hangul 성호 (see Seong-Ho).
mars Sung-Hoon Alternate transcription of Korean Hangul 성훈 (see Seong-Hun).
mars Sung-Hyun Alternate transcription of Korean Hangul 성현 (see Seong-Hyeon).
mars Sung-Jin Alternate transcription of Korean Hangul 성진 (see Seong-Jin).
mars Sung-Min Alternate transcription of Korean Hangul 성민 (see Seong-Min).
mars Sung-Soo Alternate transcription of Korean Hangul 성수 (see Seong-Su).
venus Sungyve One who has the power and strength; passionate
venus Sun Hee Pleasure and goodness
venus Sunhild She is the Sun's battle maiden
venus Sunhilde She is the warrior of the Sun
mars Suni From The Native Zuni Tribe
mars Sunil Dark Blue, Sapphire
venus Sunila Very Blue, Sapphire Blue
mars Sunirmal Pure
mars Sunit He who is a prudent man with good principles
venus Sunita Good
venus Sunitha Southern Indian form of Sunita.
venus Suniti One with good morals
mars Sunjeev Making alive
mars Sunjit An invincible man
venus Sun Jung Goodness and noble
mars Sunkanmi A Yoruba word meaning draw close to me.
mars Sunki Take Over
mars Sunmoluwa One who is moving closer towards God.
venus Sunna She is the Sun
venus Sunnee sunshine; happy, cheerful temperament
venus Sunngifu She is the gift of the Sun
venus Sunni sunshine; happy, cheerful temperament
venus-mars Sunnie sunshine; happy, cheerful temperament
venus Sunnifa Sun gift
venus Sunnild She is like the Sun
venus Sunniva Present of the sun
venus-mars Sunny Sunny
mars Sunqur To be like the sun
mars Sunrise A dawn, the time when the sun rises over the horisont
venus Sunset The time of the day when the sun sets
venus Sunshine Sunshine
venus Sunstra A woman with beautiful eyes.
venus Suntaha Waiting
mars Sun-Woo Alternate transcription of Korean Hangul 선우 (see Seon-U).
venus Sunya She is the brightness of the sunshine
mars Suoh Dragon
venus Suoma Derived from Finnish Suomi meaning "Finland".
venus Suong She is like a fog
mars Suoud Good luck
mars Supal Precious time, the importance of time.
mars Suparn Lord vishnu
venus Suparna Lotus
mars Suparshwa A 7th teerthankar's name
mars Supash Lord ganesh
mars Supay God Of Evil Death
venus Suprabha Good light
mars Suprabhaat Good morning
mars Suprakash Manifested
mars Suprasanna Ever cheerful and beaming
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