Names starting with the letter S

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter S, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a S. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Supratik Lord shiva
mars Supratika A man who is very handsome
mars Supratim Excellent
mars Supratit A well demontrated man
venus Supreet One who is beloved and adored
venus Suprema A supreme woman
venus Supriana from the island of Cyprus
mars Suprit Loving
venus Supriti True love
mars Supriya Cute, adorable, lovely
mars Sur A musical note
venus Sura A woman who travels by night
venus Suraa A woman of greath power and strenght
venus Surabhi Beauty
venus Surabi A woman of the waterfalls
mars Suradhish Lord indra
venus Suradhuni A Bengali name meaning river ganges
mars Suradip Lord indra
mars Surafeal He who enjoys surfing
mars Suragan Lord shiva
mars Surahbil A creative, brave and courageous person
venus Suraiya Beautiful
mars Suraj He who is a good King
venus Suraja Daughter of Kashyapa
mars Surajit God
mars Surajiv Lord vishnu
mars Surajprakash He is the light of the Sun
venus Suraksha Protection
venus Surali Goddess
mars Suram Beautiful
venus Surama A very pleasing woman
mars Suran Pleasant sound
venus Surangana A celestial lady
venus Surangi A colorful woman
mars Suranjan Pleasing
venus Suranna A woman who is joyous
venus Suranne A variant of the name Suzanne which comes from the Hebrew 'shoshanna', meaning 'lily'.
mars Suraqah A Prophet's companion's name
mars Surarihan Lord shiva
mars Suras Juicy
venus Surasa A name of the Goddess Durga
venus Surashree Name of an apsara
mars Surat One whose consciousness has awakened
venus Surata Name of an apsara
mars Surath A person whose consciousness is awakened
venus Suravi Sun
venus Suravinda A beautiful yaksa
venus Suraya The Pleiades
venus Surayya star
venus Surayyah star
mars Surbhup Lord vishnu
mars Surdaas Servant of musical tunes
mars Surdeep Lamp of music
venus Suree One sharp like the knife
venus Surekha A good line (on the palm)
venus Surelis An individual who is responsible and truthful
mars Suren Lord indra
venus Surena She is dangerous and sharp like the knife
mars Surendra Lord indra
venus Surenia A woman who is like a knife
mars Suresh Ruler of gods
mars Suresha Means "ruler of the gods" from Sanskrit सुर (sura) meaning "god" and ईश (īśa) meaning "ruler, lord". This is another name of the Hindu gods Indra, Shiva or Vishnu.
venus Sureshi Goddess durga
mars Sureshwar Lord of the Gods, Lord Vishnu
venus Sureyya Turkish form of Thurayya.
venus Suri Red Rose
venus Suria To be like a red rose
venus Suriani Sun
venus Suriawati Female sun
venus Surie She is a princess
venus Surina A laughing princess
mars Surinder Chief of God
mars Surinderjeet He who defeted the Gods
mars Surinderjit He who achieved victory over the Gods
mars Surinderpal The God of the Gods
venus Surintan Queen or diamond
mars Suriya She is the Sun Goddess
mars Surjeet Conqueror of the suras
mars Surjit Victory of God
mars Surjot Light of God
mars Surnath Lord indra, lord of suras
mars Suroor A feeling of joy and exhiliration
venus Surotama Auspicious apsara
venus Surpankha A name of Ravana's sister. A woman with long fingernails
mars Surraq He who steals. A thief
venus Surraya Pleides
venus Surrey To cut like a knife
mars Surroje A place name. One who is from an Albanian village Surroj
mars Surshri Another Lord Shiva's name
venus Suruchi Great Delight, Happiness
mars Surup Lord shiva
venus Surupa Beautiful
mars Surur A man who is filled with joyous, happy feelings
mars Surush Shining
venus Sury She is like the Red Rose
mars Surya The Sun
mars Suryaansh He who is a part of the Sun
mars Suryabhan The sun
mars Suryadev Sun god
venus Suryadita She who can be comapred to the Sun
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