Names starting with the letter S

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter S, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a S. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Suryakant Loved by the sun
venus Suryamani She who is like a flower of some kind
venus Suryamukhi She whose face is like a Sun
venus Suryani She is the wife of the Sun
mars Suryansh A man who is a part of the Sun
mars Suryanshu Sunbeam
venus Suryaprabha A woman whose brightness can be compared to the Sun
mars Suryaprakash Sunlight
mars Suryashankar Lord shiva
venus Suryatapa A woman who worships suraya
mars Suryesh Sun is god
mars Susadh Lord shiva
venus Susan Lily
venus Susana Graceful lily
venus Susanah lily
venus Susane Lily
venus Susanetta lily, rose
venus Susangathe of good character
venus Susanita Another name for lily flower
venus Susanka lily, rose
venus Susann lily, rose
venus Susanna Lily
venus Susannagh lily, rose
venus Susannah Lily
venus Susanne Lily Flower
mars Susanoo Of Japanese origin, possibly meaning "wild male, impetuous male". In Japanese mythology he was the god of storms and the sea, as well as the brother and adversary of the goddess Amaterasu. He was born when Izanagi washed his nose after returning from the underworld. After he was banished from the heavens, he descended to earth and slew an eight-headed dragon.
venus Susanthika An active girl
mars Susarma A supporter; name of a mighty ruler
venus Suse lily, rose
venus Susee lily, rose
venus Susen lily, rose
venus Susette lily, rose
venus Sushali One who carries herself with good conduct.
venus Sushama Beauty
mars Sushant Quiet
mars Sushanta Quiet or silence, a man who prefers to be quiet.
venus Sushanti Complete peace
mars Susheel A good natured and well behaved man.
venus Susheela Alternate transcription of Hindi सुशीला (see Sushila).
mars Sushen Sun of vasudeva
mars Sushena A name of one of the kauravas
mars Susher Kind
venus Sushi Raw Fish
mars Sushil Good characted man
venus Sushila Good conduct
mars Sushim Moon stone
venus Sushma Beautiful woman
venus Sushmita Good smile, smiling
mars Sushobhan Very beautiful
venus Sushobhana Very beautiful
venus Sushrava Pleasing to the ears
mars Sushri A person who behaves well and has s sober mind
mars Sushrut Of good reputation
venus Susi lily, rose
venus Susie Diminutive Form Of Susan
venus Susil A woman of good character
mars Susila Righteous
mars Susilo Javanese form of Sushila.
mars Susitino Susitino is a form of Justin. It means just or righteous.
mars Susmit A Boy with a nice, warm and pleasant smile
venus Susmita Smiling
venus Susneha Good friendship
venus Sussan White lily
venus Sussi Nickname for susan
venus Susthira Steadfastness
venus Susu A very slight sound. A quiet person
mars Susumu Advance, Proceed
venus Susy lily, rose
venus Suta Begotten
mars Sutantar A man of good character
mars Sutantu Lord shiva, lord vishnu
mars Sutapa Seeker of God
venus Sutara Name of a Yakshi maiden
mars Sutcliff A man who comes from the cliff on the south
mars Sutclyf To be from the south cliff
mars Sutej Lustre
mars Sutekh Reconstructed Egyptian form of Seth 2.
venus-mars Sutherland From The South Most Land
mars Suthfeld A man from the south fields
mars Suthley The one from the South meadow
mars Sutho A southerner. He who comes from the south
mars Sutirth Lord shiva
mars Sutosh One who becomes happy easily
mars Sutoya A river
mars Suttecliff A man from the south cliff
mars Sutter Shoemaker
venus-mars Sutton From The South Town
mars Suubi Hope
mars Suud One who is blessed with the best luck
mars Su'ud Good luck
venus Suus Dutch short form of Susanna.
venus Suuvi A southern child of the summer
mars Suvabrata One who gave an auspicious vow
venus Suvali A woman who is full of divine grace
mars Suvan The Sun
mars Suvankar A person who tends to do good to others
mars Suvansu Fragrance, a sweet fragrance.
venus Suvapu Name of an apsara
mars Suvarn Lord shiva
venus Suvarna Gold, good complexion
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