Names starting with the letter S

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter S, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a S. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Suvarnarekha Line of gold
venus Suvarnmala Golden necklace
mars Suvas Lord shiva
mars Suvel Placid
venus Suvela Calm
mars Suvesh A who is extremely handsome and good looking.
venus Suvi Summer
mars Suvidh Kind
venus Suvidha Facility or convenience
mars Suvik One with a speedy health
mars Suvimal Pure
mars Suvir Lord shiva
venus Suvitha A woman who lives in welfare and prosperity
mars Suvo An auspicious person
mars Suvrat One who is strict in religious vows. It's also the name of a Jain god.
mars Suvrata Strict in religious vows
venus Suvrita A well behaved woman
venus Suvyuha An angel, pure as angel
venus Suwaybah A name of one of the Prophet Pbuh's wet-nurses
mars Suwayd One who is dark, who is black
venus Suyai Hope
mars Suyamun Lord vishnu
mars Suyash Good result, victory
venus Suyasha Victory
mars Suyashas Glorious fame
mars Suyati Lord vishnu
venus Suyosha Happy
mars Suyuntu Turkey Buzzard
venus Suz Short form of Susan.
venus Suzaber A desirable, easy going and mature person
mars Suzamni Graceful Lily
venus Suzan Graceful lily
venus Suzana Graceful lily
venus Suzane Graceful lily
venus Suzann Graceful lily
venus Suzanna Graceful lily
venus Suzannah From the Hebrew name Shoshanna meaning 'Lily', a variant spelling of Susanna.
venus Suzanne Lily
venus Suze lily, rose
venus Suzee lily, rose
venus Suzelle lily, rose
venus Suzetta lily, rose
venus Suzette Diminutive Form Of Susan
venus Suzi lily, rose
venus Suzie Derived from the Hebrew shoshana meaning 'lily', it is a variation of the English Susan.
venus Suzilah A rare version of the name Susan, meaning a rose or a lily
venus Suzon lily, rose
venus Suzonne A lady who is like a rose
venus Suzu Bell
venus Suzuki Bell Tree
venus Suzume Sparrow
venus Suzy Diminutive Form Of Susan
venus Suzynne A dame who is like a rose
venus Suzzanna lily
venus Suzzanne lily, rose
venus Svadhi One who like to think things trough
venus Svaha An Indian name meaning Oblation
venus Svajone Means "dream" in Lithuanian.
venus Svala Icelandic word for Swallow, the bird.
mars Svamin Lord vishnu
mars Svaminath Lord ganesh
venus Svana Swan-like
mars Svang Good looks
venus Svanhild She fights with ellegant moves like a swan
venus Svanhildr Old Norse form of Svanhild.
venus Svanhildur A variant of Schwanhilde, meaning swan.
mars Svanik Handsome
mars Svante Holy
mars Svantepolk Old Swedish form of Svatopluk. It was borne by the prominent 13th-century Swedish nobleman Svantepolk Knutsson. He may have been named after a relative of his Pomeranian mother.
venus Svantje Swan
mars Svantovit Variant of Svetovid.
mars Svar Lord vishnu
venus Svara Breathing
mars Svaraj Lord indra
mars Svaramaya He who is good looking
mars Svarg Heaven
mars Svarna Lord ganesh
mars Svarog Probably means "fire", from Old Slavic sŭvarŭ meaning "heat". This was the name of a Slavic god associated with blacksmithing.
mars Svarpati Lord of sound
mars Svarthofði Black head.
mars Svartur The color black
venus Svatava Derived from Czech svatý meaning "sacred, holy", ultimately from Old Slavic *svętŭ.
venus Svati The star Arcturus
mars Svatomir Czech form of Svetomir.
mars Svatopluk Slovak form of Svatopluk.
mars Svatoslav Czech form of Svyatoslav.
venus Svatoslava Czech feminine form of Svyatoslav.
mars Svayambhu Lord brahma, vishnu, shiva
mars Svayambhut Lord shiva
venus Svea Sweden
mars Svein Boy, Young Man
mars Sveinn Boy
mars Sven Boy
mars Svend Boy
venus Svenja German feminine form of Sven.
mars Svenn Boy
mars Sverre To spin and swing wildly
mars Sverrir Old Norse form of Sverre, as well as the modern Icelandic form.
venus Sveta Light
venus Svetka Diminutive of Svetlana.
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