Names starting with the letter S

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter S, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a S. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Swenson Son of Sven
mars Sweppi One who comes from Swepi's settlement. A surname
mars Sweta Fair complexioned
mars Swetaketu An ancient sage
venus Swetambari An angel dressed in white
mars Swetank A man of fair body
mars Swethan The one who has learnt all vedas
venus Swethyna A sweet loved one
venus Sweting A woman who is sweet and cute
venus Swetiue She who is sweet
venus Swetlana light
venus Swetyene She who is a sweet love
venus Swetyne A woman who is a sweet love
mars Sweyn A lad, a chap, a young man
mars Swidhelm An Anglo-Saxon name meaning a sweet man
mars Swiðhun Old English form of Swithin.
mars Swietopełk Polish form of Svatopluk.
mars Swietosław Polish form of Svyatoslav.
mars Swindel Valley of the swine.
venus Swintayla A modern rare African-American name, meaning a sweet one
mars Swinton One who comes from the swine farm
mars Swithin Strong
mars Swithun One who is a strong cub
venus Swonild A responsible and clever minded person
venus Swoosie Half Swan, Half Goose
mars Swrang A musical instrument
mars Swrnav Golden
venus-mars Sy Contraction Of St. Denys
venus Syala She who is like a doe
mars Syamantak Jewel of Vishnu
mars Syamantaka A man who destroys all dangers
venus Syani One of cheerful nature
mars Syaoran Little Wolf
mars Syarhey Alternate transcription of Belarusian Сяргей (see Siarhei).
mars Syavarshan Avestan form of Siavash.
venus Sybbly One who is like an oracle
venus Sybby A woman who is like an oracle
venus Sybel prophetess, oracle
venus Sybella prophetess, oracle
venus Sybelle prophetess, oracle
venus Sybil Prophets
venus Sybill prophetess, oracle
venus Sybilla prophetess, oracle
venus Sybille God's adviser
venus Syble She who is a prohet
venus Sybyle A woman who is a prophet
venus Sybyll She who predicts future
venus Sybylla She who tells the future
mars Sycamore Species Of Fig Tree
venus Sycorax Created by Shakespeare for a witch character in his play The Tempest (1611). The character has died by the time the play begins, so she is only spoken of and not seen. The name's meaning is unknown, though it might have been inspired by Latin corax or Greek κόραξ (korax) meaning "raven", referring to the 5th-century BC Greek rhetorician Corax of Syracuse. One of the moons of Uranus bears this name in the character's honour.
venus Syd Short form of Sydney.
venus Sydel princess; wide island
venus Sydell princess
venus Sydella princess
venus Sydelle princess
venus Sydne Variant of Sydney.
venus Sydnea A person from a wide island
venus Sydnee Contraction Of St. Denys
venus Sydnei She who comes from a wide island
venus Sydneigh She is from a very wide island
venus-mars Sydney Contraction Of St. Denys
venus Sydni Wide meadow
venus Sydniciel To be from the wide island
venus Sydnie Wide meadow
venus Sydniegh Of wide islands
venus Sydny She who is of the wide island
venus Sydnye She who lives on a wide island
venus Sydona from Sidon
venus Sydonah from Sidon
venus Sydonia from Sidon
mars Sydyk Kyrgyz form of Siddiq.
mars Syed Happy
venus Syeda The name Syeeda is more common within the Islamic religion, and means 'lady'. It has also been used as an honorific titile.
venus Syeira princess
venus Syesha Created Name
venus Syflede A hard worker who is efficient
venus Syidah The female leader
mars Sykes A surname. He who comes from the stream, from the water-course
mars Sylar One who is a hard-working man
mars Sylas One who was asked for
venus Syleena the moon
venus Sylena the moon
venus-mars Syler Combination Name
venus Sylina the moon
venus Sylke Sylke is a form of Cecilia and means blind.
mars Syllyvan Little dark eyes
venus Sylph A mythological sirit of Air
venus Sylva woods, forest
mars Sylvain Of The Forest
venus Sylvaine French feminine form of Silvanus.
mars Sylvan Forest
venus Sylvana Of The Forest
venus Sylvanna woods, forest
mars Sylvanus Man of the forest
venus Sylve She who holds the strenght of the Sun
venus Sylvee woods, forest
mars Sylvester From The Forest
mars Sylvestre A person of the forest
venus Sylvette woods, forest
venus Sylvi From the house of strength
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