Names starting with the letter S

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter S, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a S. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Sylvia Forest
venus Sylviana woods, forest
venus Sylviane Wood or forest
venus Sylvianne woods, forest
venus Sylvie Forest
venus Sylvina woods, forest
venus Sylvine woods, forest
mars Sylvius Forest, Woods
venus Sylvonna woods, forest
venus Sylvya From the forest
mars Sylwester Of the woods
venus Sylwia woods, forest
venus Sym A woman who is like a symphony
venus Syma flourishing, expecting a baby
mars Syman A form of Simon, meaning listen.
venus Symantha God heard
venus Symbat Slenderness
venus Symber Combination Of Simone And Kimber
mars Symeon Listening
venus Symera Unknown
mars Symington The one from Simon's estate
mars Symms Variation of Simon
mars Symon He who hears
venus Symona To Be Heard
venus Symone hear, listen
mars Symontun One who comes from the estate of the one who listens
venus Symphony Musical Piece For Orchestra
venus Symsa She who is flourishing, blooming
mars Symyan Listening
venus Syna two together
mars Synan Old
mars Synclair From St. Clair In France
venus Synda from Mount Kynthos
venus Syndal She is one with the woods
venus Syndee from Mount Kynthos
venus Syndi from Mount Kynthos
venus Syndia from Mount Kynthos
venus Syndie from Mount Kynthos
venus Syndony A meadow; one who is by the riverside
venus Syndy from Mount Kynthos
venus Synne She who is of the Sun
venus Synnove Sun Gift
venus Synnøve Norwegian variant of Sunniva.
venus Synova Gift From The Sun
venus Syntha from Mount Kynthos
venus Synthee from Mount Kynthos
venus Syntheea from Mount Kynthos
venus Synthia from Mount Kynthos
venus Synthie from Mount Kynthos
venus Synthya from Mount Kynthos
venus Syntyche Joint destiny
mars Syon Gentle
venus Syona Happiness
venus Sypriana from Cyprus
venus Syprianne from Cyprus
venus Syreeta Good Traditions
venus Syrena enchanter
venus Syretia A serious, independent and curious being
venus Syria sun-bright, glowing
venus Syriana A woman from Syria
mars Syrie From Syria
venus Syrilla lord
venus Syrita Sun
mars Syrus Sun, lord
venus Syryia She who is from Syria
venus-mars Syshe Street
venus Sysley A woman who has no sight
venus Syssota A person who is powerful, brave and courageous
mars Sythe One who is creative and independent; passionate person
mars Syum A ray
mars Syun A ray
venus Syuzanna She who is as graceful as a lily flower
mars Syver One who defeted others, one who is a victor
venus Syvonne God is gracious
venus Syvva A wooden woman
venus Szabina Hungarian form of Sabina.
mars Szabolcs Meaning unknown, possibly from a Slavic word meaning "marten". It was borne by a leader of the Magyars at the time of Árpád. This is now the name of a region in Hungary.
venus Szandra Protector of humanity
mars Szczepan Man with crown
mars Szczesny Means "lucky, successful, happy" in Polish, a vernacular form of Felix.
mars Szebasztian He who is an emperor
mars Szilard Means "solid, firm" in Hungarian, also used as a Hungarian vernacular form of Constantine.
mars Szilveszter From the woods
venus Szilvia From the woods
venus Szimonetta Hungarian form of Simonetta.
venus Szofi Hungarian form of Sophie, reflecting the French pronunciation.
venus Szofia Variant of Zsófia.
venus Szonja A woman who is wise
mars Szymon Szymon is a Polish variation if the English name Simon. It means "listener" or "he who hears".
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