Names starting with the letter T

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter T, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a T. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Teyrn One who is obsolete
mars Teyrnfal Stable minded, lovable and energetic being
mars Teyrnog An expressive and reasonable being
mars Teyte A cheerful person
mars Tezcacoatl Serpent King
mars Tezcatlipoca Means "smoking mirror" in Nahuatl, derived from tezcatl "mirror" and pōctli "smoke" [1]. In Aztec and other Mesoamerican mythology he was one of the chief gods, associated with the night sky, winds, war, and the north. Like his rival Quetzalcoatl, he was a creator god.
mars Thaabit Firm
mars Thaaqib A shooting star
mars Thabang Means "be happy" in Tswana.
mars Thabani Means "be happy" in Zulu and Ndebele.
mars Thabit Firm
mars Thabiti A true man
mars Thabo He who brings joy
venus Thabsheera To hear good news
mars Thacher Occupational name, roof thacher
venus-mars Thackary Dweller By The Nook Where The Reeds For Thatching Grew
mars Thacker Surname, means one who works
mars Thackere Occupational name, roofer
mars Thad Praise
venus Thada heart
venus Thadda heart
mars Thaddaeus Courageous
mars Thaddaios Greek form of Thaddeus.
mars Thaddaus Courageous
venus Thaddea heart
mars Thaddeau Courageous
mars Thaddeo Courageous
mars Thaddeus Praise
mars Thaddie heart
mars Thaddius Courageous
mars Thade Ruler of the people
venus Thadea courageous
mars Thadeaou Courageous
venus Thadee heart
mars Thadeus Form of THADDEUS
mars Thadeys Courageous
mars Thadia Courageous
venus Thadine Feminine Form Of Thaddeus
mars Thadious Variation of Thaddeus which means Gift of God
mars Thadus Courageous
mars Thady Praise
mars Thagyamin Change or transfer
venus Thahiya A melody
mars Thai Person Of Thailand
venus Thaia A type of orchid
venus Thaiera A generous, poised and adventerous being
mars Thain An attending warrior
venus Thaina A praise
mars Thaine A landholer
venus Thais The Bond
venus Thaisa Daughter of Pericles
mars Thakarshi Lord krishna
mars Thakshak Name of a cobra
mars Thaksin From the south
mars Thakur Lord Krishna
mars Thakurjeet One who has won the Lord Master's Love
mars Tha'labah Narrator of hadith
mars Thalah A personal, individualistic and defined being
venus Thalassa The Sea
mars Thalat One who prays
venus Thalatha A versatile, attractive and imaginative being
mars Thalbir A brave warrior
venus Thaleia flourishing
mars Thalen The harvest
mars Thales Of Unknown Meaning
venus Thalia Festive
venus Thalie flourishing
venus Thalissa She who is from the sea
venus Thalita Variant of Talita.
venus Thalya flourishing
mars Tham Gracious
mars Thaman Price, Worth
venus Thamanna One who is desired
venus Thamar date palm
venus Thamara date palm
venus Thamarai Means "lotus" in Tamil.
venus Thamarra date palm
mars Thameem He who is precious
mars Thameena Valuable
mars Thamen Name of God
mars Thamer A productive man
venus Thamera date palm
mars Thames The dark one, a riven in England
mars Thameur One who is very productive
venus Thami The successful one
venus Thamina Healthy
mars Thamir One who is beneficial
mars Than brilliant
venus Thana Praise
mars Thanases Immortal or everlasting
mars Thanasi Male form of Theresa, the harvester
mars Thanasis Eternal life
mars Thanatos He who brings death
mars Thanchere A desirable and people pleasing person
mars Thancmar Old German form of Tammaro.
mars Thancrat Old German form of Tancred.
venus Thandar Burmese word for coral
venus Thandeka The loved one
venus Thandi One who loves deeply
venus Thandie Beloved
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