Names starting with the letter T

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter T, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a T. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Thandiwe Beloved
mars Thando Love
venus Thandolwethu Our love
mars Thane Warrior Or Landowner
venus Thaneesha Ambition
venus Thanet Name of an island in England
mars Thang Victorious one
mars Thanh Brilliant
mars Thaniel Short for Nathaniel
venus Thaniksha A sociable, friendly and charming person
venus Thanina Variant of Tanina.
venus Thankam The color of gold
venus Thankful From the English word thankful. This was one of the many virtue names used by the Puritans in the 17th century.
venus Thanmayu A careful person
mars Thanos Death
mars Thant Clean
venus Thao Respectful Of Parents
mars Thaqaf To surpass in skill
mars Thaqib Shooting star
venus Thara Wealth
venus Tharaa Wealth
venus Tharaka A star
venus Tharanya One who is young and from Earth
mars Tharin Hunter
mars Tharindu Moon
venus Tharisha A wish or a desire
mars Tharupiyum A star like lotus
venus Tharwah A rich girl
mars Thashan Name of a God
venus Thashin The acclaimed one
mars Thasleem A salutation or the total submission
venus Thasni A river
mars Thasthaheer One who is silent
mars Thatch English occupational name, roof thatcher
mars Thatcher Roof Maker
venus Thato Means "will, desire" in Sotho and Tswana.
mars Thaung Burmese word for ten thousand
mars Thavanesh Lord Shiva
venus Thaw Melting Ice
mars Thawain English name meaning to melt
mars Thawban Prophet's companion
venus Thawda Moon
venus Thawka Pali word for amherstia flower.
mars Thawr One who makes peace
mars Thaxter One who fixes roofs
mars Thayalan Lord Shiva
mars Thayer Tailor
mars Thayne The landholder
venus Thea goddess
mars Theabul A humble, trustworthy and honest person
venus Theadora God's gift
mars Theadore God's gift
venus Theanna Gracious, Merciful
venus Theano From Greek θεά (thea) meaning "goddess". Theano was a 6th-century BC Greek philosopher associated with Pythagoras. The name was also borne by several figures from Greek mythology.
mars Thearl A tree trunk
mars Theasyn Created Names
venus Theavy Angelic
mars Thebaldus A friend of God
mars Thebault A bold man
venus Theberga A good tempered, level headed and educated being
venus Thecla God's glory
venus Theda God's present
venus Thedlef Gift from the Lord
mars Thedric Ruler of the people
mars Thedrick People's king
venus Thedware A well bred, educated and admirable individual
mars Theenash A rising star
venus Theffanie Variation of the name Staphanie
mars Thehan Threefold honors
mars Thei Limburgish short form of Theodoor.
venus Theia goddess
venus Theida people
venus Thein A hundred thousand
venus Thekla divine fame
mars Thel Upper story
venus Theldred A hesitant, emotional and relaxed individual
venus Theldry A level headed, individualistic and rational individual
venus Thellma will, volition
venus Thelma Will
mars Thelonious People
mars Thelonius Created Name
venus-mars Thelred Noble Counsel
venus Thema Queen
venus Themar Form of Tamar used in the Greek Old Testament when referring to the daughter of David.
venus-mars Themba Trust, Hope & Faith
venus Thembeka A person who is reliable
venus Themis Law Of Nature
mars Themistocles Glory of the law
mars Themistokles Glory of the law
mars Themistoklis Modern Greek form of Themistocles.
venus Thenew A gracious, approachable and gentle person
venus Thenjiwe Trusted
mars Theo Divine Gift
mars Theobald Hardy
mars Theobaldus Brave people
mars Theocritus Latinized form of Θεόκριτος (Theokritos), a Greek name meaning "judge of god" from θεός (theos) meaning "god" and κριτής (krites) meaning "judge, critic". This was the name of a 3rd-century BC Greek poet.
mars Theoda A gift of God
mars Theodard Derived from the Old German elements theod meaning "people" (Old High German diota, Old Frankish þeoda) and hart meaning "hard, firm, brave, hardy". This name was borne by a 7th-century Frankish saint and martyr, a bishop of Maastricht.
mars Theodbald A bold man
mars Theodbeald Brave folk
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