Names starting with the letter T

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter T, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a T. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Theodbeorht He who is very brave
mars Theodebald Hardy
venus Theodelinda Old German form of Dietlinde.
mars Theodemir From the Gothic name *Þiudamers, derived from the elements þiuda "people" and mers "famous". This was the name of a 5th-century king of the Ostrogoths, the father of Theodoric the Great. It was also borne by a 6th-century king of the Suebi in Galicia. There was also a saint by this name, a 9th-century Benedictine monk who was martyred at Córdoba.
mars Theoden Leader of the people
mars Theoderich Old German form of Theodoric.
mars Theodgar A man with a spear
mars Theodlac One who is beloved to the god
mars Theodoar Germanic name composed of the elements theod meaning "people" (Old High German diota, Old Frankish þeoda) and war meaning "aware, cautious".
mars Theodoard Germanic name composed of the elements theod meaning "people" (Old High German diota, Old Frankish þeoda) and wart meaning "guard, guardian".
venus Theodocia She who gives to God
mars Theodon Given by God
mars Theodoor Dutch form of Theodore.
mars Theodor Gift of God
venus Theodora Divine Gift
mars Theodore Divine Gift
mars Theodoric Ruler
mars Theodoricus Latinized form of Theodoric.
mars Theodoros Greek form of Theodore.
mars Theodors Gift of God
venus Theodorsia Divine Gift
mars Theodorus Gift of God
venus Theodosia gift of god
mars Theodosios Gift of God
mars Theodosius God giving men
mars Theodotos Greek form of Theodotus.
mars Theodotus Given to God.
mars Theodoulos Greek form of Theodulus.
mars Theodric He who is God-given
mars Theodulf The God of wolf
mars Theodulos Manifestation of God
mars Theodulus Slave of god
venus Theofania God's appearance
mars Theofanis Modern Greek transcription of Theophanes.
venus Theofila loved by God
mars Theofilos Modern Greek form of Theophilus.
mars Theofilus Dutch form of Theophilus.
mars Theofylaktos Modern Greek transcription of Theophylaktos.
mars Theognostos From Greek θεός (theos) meaning "god" and γνωστός (gnostos) meaning "known, familiar".
venus Theokleia Ancient Greek form of Thekla. It means glory of God.
mars Theokritos Greek form of Theocritus.
venus Theola Combination Of Thea And Ola
venus Theolene A divine gift
mars Theomund A wealthy protector
mars Theon Godly
venus Theona Name of God
venus Theone Gift From God
venus Theoni Godly
mars Theophanes Epiphany or disclosure
venus Theophania Appearance Of God
venus Theophanie God's appearance; revelation of God
mars Theophil German form of Theophilus.
venus Theophila loved by God
mars Theophile He who is loved by God
venus Theophilia Friendship Of God
mars Theophilius He who is friends with God
mars Theophilos Ancient Greek form of Theophilus.
mars Theophilus Loving God
mars Theophylaktos Watched by god
venus Theora She who watches
venus-mars Theoren Hunter
venus Theorigitha An experienced, responsible and outgoing person
mars Theoris God
mars Theory Supposition, Idea, Explanation
mars Theosiphus A friend of God
mars Theothelm Old German form of Diethelm.
mars Theotime French form of Theotimus.
mars Theotimos Greek form of Theotimus.
mars Theotimus Latinized form of the Greek name Θεότιμος (Theotimos) meaning "honouring god", derived from the elements θεός (theos) meaning "god" and τιμάω (timao) meaning "to honour". Saint Theotimus was a 4th-century bishop of Tomi in Scythia.
mars Theotleib Old German form of Detlef.
mars Theotman Old German form of Thijmen.
mars Theoxenos A good foreigner.
venus Thera Short Form Of Theresa
mars Therapon Means "servant" or "worshipper" in Greek.
venus Therasia Earliest recorded form of Theresa.
venus Theresa Harvester
venus Therese Harvester
venus Theresia Harvester
venus Theresina late summer
venus Theresita late summer
venus Theressa late summer
venus Thereza Harvest
venus Theria Free
venus Therind One who likes to travel and has energy
venus Therise Harvest
mars Therist A month
mars Therius Free
venus Therma therme
mars Theron Hunter
venus Theronda An optimistic, reasonable and noble being
mars Therron A great hunter
mars Therry Ruler of the people
venus Thersa delight, pleasantness, cypress tree
mars Thersander Name of a Greek King
mars Theryn A hunter
mars Theseus Order
mars Theshana Gift of god
venus Thessaloniki Victory over Thessalians. Also a place name in Greece.
venus-mars Thessaly A Region In Greece
mars Thet He who is calm
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