Names starting with the letter T

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter T, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a T. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Tomiris Kazakh and Tajik form of Tomyris.
mars Tomislav Tomislav is derived from the Slavic element tomiti, which means torture combined with slava meaning glory.
venus Tomislava Torturous glory.
mars Tomislaw Suppress or torture, a Croatian king
mars Tomkin A twin, one of the disciples of Jesus
mars Tomkins Twin
mars Tomlin Twin
mars Tomlinson Son of Tomlin
venus Tomlyn The younger twin's child
mars Tomm Twin
mars Tommaso A Twin
mars Tommee Twin
mars Tommen Created Name
mars Tommey Twin
venus Tommi twin
venus Tommiah In honour of Thomas, honouring Thomas
venus-mars Tommie Twin
mars Tommy twin
mars Tommye twin
mars Tomo Twin
venus Tomoe Blessing
mars Tomofumi Wisdom, Writings
mars Tomohiro Extensive wisdom
venus Tomoka Brilliant Friend
venus Tomoko Intelligent
venus Tomomi Friend, Beautiful
mars Tomor The iron, or the strength of like iron
mars Tomorbaatar Iron, hero or strong
mars Tomori Yoruba term meaning we have seen a baby again.
mars Tomos Tomos has an aramic meaning of 'twin'. It is also the Welsh variation of the name Thomas.
mars Tomoya Friend Of
venus Tomoyo Intelligent
mars Toms Latvian version of Tom, meaning twin.
venus Tomyris Hellenized form of a Scythian name, possibly from an Iranian root meaning "family". This was the name of a 6th-century BC queen of the Massagetae (a Scythian people) who defeated Cyrus the Great during his invasion of Central Asia.
mars Ton Dutch short form of Anton.
venus Tona One who is highly praised and priceless
mars Tonalli Means "day, warmth of the sun" in Nahuatl [1].
venus Tonalnan Mother of light
venus Tonantzin Mother earth or the mother Goddess
mars Tonatiuh Sunshine
mars Tonauac The one who possesses light
mars Tonci Croatian diminutive of Anthony.
venus Toncka Beyond praise or highly praiseworthy
mars Tondbehrt The bright flower or shining flower
mars Tondbert The brightest flower
mars Tondhere The descendant of Tond or flower
venus Tondra Means "thunderous", from Esperanto tondro meaning "thunder".
venus Tone Praise worthy
venus Tonee Priceless
venus-mars Toney A form of tony
venus Tong fragrant
venus Toni Short Form Of Antonia
venus Tonia Of Unknown Meaning
venus Tonica To the people, something to the race
venus Tonicia Combination Of Toni And -icia
mars Tonild One who is a stonemaker; a diplomatic individual
venus Tonina Diminutive of Antonia.
mars Toninho Portuguese diminutive of António or Antônio.
mars Tonino One whose price is never estimated
mars Tonio Worthy of admiration or praise
mars Tonis Estonian form of Anthony. It means highly praiseworthy
venus Tonisha One who cant be priced
venus Tonja One who is precious, priceless
venus Tonje One who cant be labelled with a price
mars Tonka Croatian form of Antonia. It means worthy of praise.
mars Tonna A settlement or a town near the hedge
venus Tonnie Who is worth of many praises
mars Tonny A form of tony
venus Tonnya Fairy queen
mars Tono One who is praised and priceless
mars Tonraq Tiny man
mars Tonu Short form of Tõnis, now used independently.
mars Tony Short Form Of Antony
venus Tonya Short Form Of Antonia, Or A Form Of Tanya
venus Tonyea Fairy queen
venus Tonyetta Fairy queen
venus Tonyia Fairy queen
mars Tooantuh Spring Frog
venus Tooba Best or excellent or a tree form heaven
mars Toofan Wind or storm.
venus Toolya tul
mars Toomas Twin
mars Toomis Toomis is Estonian form of Thomas and means twin.
mars Toon Dutch diminutive of Antoon.
mars Tooraj A brave man, founder of Turan, Central Asia from Persian mythology Shahnameh
mars Tooru Alternate transcription of Japanese Kanji 徹 or 亨 (see Tōru).
venus Topacia A jewel or gemstone
venus Topanga Where The Mountain Meets The Sea
venus Topaz Golden Gem
venus Topaza Form of TOPAZ. From the Gem
mars Topher Christ Bearer
mars Topi Finnish short form of Tobias.
mars Topias A jewel that is precious
mars Topo Mole or gopher
venus Topp In English it means crest. In German it refers to a point of some high structure or tree top
mars Toppa A keyhole or a patch
venus-mars Topper Hill
venus Topsy On top
venus Topʉsana Means "prairie flower" in Comanche.
mars Tor God of Thunder, hill
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