Names starting with the letter T

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter T, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a T. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Tora thunder
venus Toral Folk Heroine
mars Toralf Supernatural powers of the thunder God
mars Toran A watchtower over the hill
mars Torben Thor's bear
mars Torbert The glory of thor or glorious as Thor
mars Torbjorg The help or protection by the thunder God
venus Torbjørg Norwegian form of Þórbjǫrg.
mars Torbjorn Bear of Thor
mars Torbjørn Norwegian form of Torbjörn.
venus Torborg Thor's help
mars Torcall Scottish Gaelic form of the Norse name Þórketill (see Torkel).
mars Torcuato Spanish form of Torquatus.
mars Torcuil Variant of Torcall.
mars Torcull Variant of Torcall.
mars Tord The Thunder God
venus Tordis Goddess of Thor
mars Tore Fighter of Thor
mars Toren Ship Mast
mars Torey bird
mars Torfi The turf, a layer of earth covered with grass
mars Torfinn From the Old Norse name Þórfinnr, derived from the name of the Norse god Þórr (see Thor) combined with finnr "Sámi, person from Finland".
mars Torgeir From the Old Norse name Þórgeirr, which meant "Thor's spear" from the name of the Norse god Þórr (see Thor) combined with geirr "spear".
mars Torger Variant of Torgeir.
mars Torgils Modern form of Þórgísl.
mars Torgny Thor's Roar
mars Torgrim Norwegian form of Þórgrímr.
venus Torhild Fight of Thor
mars Torht Bright
venus Torhta Twisted or folded over
mars Torhtsige The victory of thunder God
venus Tori bird
venus Toria bird; conqueror
venus Toriah Unknown
mars Torian The chief, or the head, leader
venus Toriana bird
venus Torianna The conqueror or the victor, a winner
mars Toribio Bestowed in honour of Saints
venus Torie Short Form Of Victoria
venus Toril Thor's Battle
venus Torild The battle or war or Thor
venus Torill Thunder God's battle
mars Torin chief
mars Torjus The arrow or shaft or Thor
mars Torkel Thor's cauldron.
mars Torleif From the Old Norse name Þórleifr, derived from the name of the Norse god Þórr (see Thor) combined with leif "inheritance, legacy".
mars Torley The meadow or thunder God
mars Tormod From the Old Norse name Þórmóðr, which meant "Thor's wrath" from the name of the Norse god Þórr (see Thor) combined with móðr "wrath".
mars Tormond The courage of thunder God
mars Tormund The mind or thunder God
mars Torn Torn
mars Torngarsuk Name of a powerful sky god.
mars Tornike Georgian form of Iy means grandchild
venus Torny New Thor
venus Torø Norwegian variant of Tora.
mars Torold The rule of thunder God
mars Torolf Thor's Wolf
mars Toros Armenian form of Theodore.
mars Torphin A male descendant of Thor
venus Tor Pikai A girl with black hair
mars Torquato Italian and Portuguese form of Torquatus. It was borne by the Italian author Torquato Tasso (1544-1595).
mars Torquatus Roman cognomen derived from Latin torquis meaning "twisted neck chain, collar", a derivative of torqueo "to twist". This name was borne by Titus Manlius Imperiosus Torquatus, a noted Roman consul and dictator of the 4th century BC. It was also the name of the 1st-century saint Torquatus of Acci.
mars Torquil Thor's helmet
mars Torr Tower
venus-mars Torrance Form Of Terence
venus Torree bird
venus-mars Torrell Dweller At The Small Tower
mars Torrence One from the craggy hilltop
mars Torres A habitational name of a person belongs from the city of towers
mars Torrey bird
venus Torri bird
venus Torrie bird
venus Torrii A triumphant person, victorious
venus-mars Torrin From The Hills
mars Torry bird
venus Torrye bird
venus Torsha A river in Bengal region
mars Torstein Norwegian form of Torsten.
mars Torsten Stone Of Thor
mars Torsti Finnish form of Torsten.
mars Tortgith An occupational name for the one who bakes tarts
mars Tortgyth One who is able to bake tarts
mars Torthred The red haired baker or tart
venus Toru A vast and huge sea of water
venus Torunn The love of thunder God, mother of Bishop
mars Torvald Thor's Rule
venus-mars Tory Short Form Of Victoria
mars Toryal A promising sword fighter
mars Toryn The chief or head or a leader
mars Tosahwi Means "white knife" in Comanche, derived from tosa- "white" and wihi "knife" [1]. This name was borne by a 19th-century Penateka Comanche chief.
venus Tosca From Tuscany, Italy
venus Toscana The regional capital of Florence, Italy
mars Tose Diminutive of Todor. This name was borne by the Macedonian pop star Toše Proeski (1981-2007).
venus-mars Toseland Toli's Grove
mars Tosh A chief or a leader
venus Tosha Satisfaction
venus Toshale One who is the satisfaction
mars Toshan Satisfaction
venus Toshana Contented
venus Toshani Goddess Durga
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